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تینا صنعت مبدل

Saturday 27 July 2024

Saturday 27 July 2024

Saturday 27 July 2024

News And Events

Families visiting the company and meeting with the CEO

Families visiting the company and meeting with the CEO

With the aim of honoring the personnel and also familiarizing their families with the way their colleagues work, for the first time, the families of the employees of Tina Sanat Mobdel company visited all the production lines and other parts of this company.
With the approval and support of Dr. Ali Akbari, the respected CEO of the company, in order to familiarize the families as much as possible with the working conditions and activities of their husbands and fathers in the production lines, the families of the employees visited the production halls of this company and got to know closely the production process of car radiators.
In these visits, which were organized by the administrative and human resources department of the company, the families, after visiting the company, became generally familiar with the product production process in this factory. They also got acquainted with different departments and the level of responsibility and effort of the employees, and benefited from the explanations of the company’s specialists.
At the end of the visit, Dr. Ali Akbari, during a meeting with the employees’ families, while welcoming them, said that the purpose of such visits is to honor the personnel and their families and also to familiarize the families with the work environment as much as possible.
Regarding the concerns and issues of the personnel’s families, he pointed out that all the efforts of the management group of this company were aimed at solving the problems and problems of the employees of this company and assured that in the near future, more comfort facilities will be available to the personnel’s families.
It is worth mentioning that at the end of this visit and in a friendly atmosphere, Dr. Ali Akbari thanked the family of her colleagues by taking souvenir photos and giving gifts as a memorial.

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